Bongo Roache is a certified herbalist & Rasta Elder who has appeared in many videos and books; people travel from all over the world to consult with him. Tutored in the eternal knowledge by his guru 98 year old Bong Hughe, Bongo Roache is the time keeper of the ancient knowledge of herbal healing as directly handed down from Africa. Bongo Roache has dedicated his life to healing with plants & herbs and travels the entire island collecting his plants and serving the people who need his healing. He has many 100% organic remedies that are all his own and detoxification and rebuilding are the primary goals.
Bongo Roache can be reached for consultation through Zimbali Retreats for the simple price of $60.
You will be left speechless by his vast Knowledge and humbleness.
A once in a lifetime chance to meet a reincarnated African King-
Bongo Roache is a Jewel within Jamaica and the world.